•환원주의(Reductionism) vs. 행동주의(Behaviorism)
•양자컴퓨팅, emergent computing, 인공생명
–축소: 매뉴얼에기반한직종, 반복성높은직종, 일부전문서비스직종
–확장: 면대면직업, 창의적/예술적/감성적직업, 복잡성높은육체적직업
–기대: 노동시간줄고, 고용구조변화
인공지능R&D 방향
•One Hundred Year Study on Artificial Intelligence (AI100)
–100-year effort to study critical issues in the design and use of AI systems, including their economic and social impact
•Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2)
–contribute to humanity through high-impact AI research and engineering by constructing AI systems with reasoning, learning and reading capabilities
•100 billion yen for 10 years for AI R&D in Tokyo
–establish a system to aim realization of the production revolution of advanced medical and factories
•우리의인공지능R&D 방향
–학제간융합연구: 인간연구+ 융합연구+ 컴퓨팅기술
–경제/사회적고찰: 일자리, 인간의존엄성
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